Shabby Chic Shasta Lightning Bolt Camper Pattern Update

I couldn’t help but give it the longest title ever cause I love it so much 😛 I am so excited to share this latest update to my camper appliqué pattern, It’s subtle but now there’s a Shasta lightning bolt version of the camper. I used this pattern update to work on my own appliqué…

Monday Mistakes – 94% Scaled Paper Piecing

In this semi-weekly series called Mistake Monday I talk about a cultural taboo: making mistakes. I make mistakes, constantly and aside from mentions of seam ripping I don’t see enough posts online about how people fix these mistakes with passable solutions or how they emotionally moved passed the mistake, let’s break that taboo. I needed…

Jenn, Jesse, Brianna & Jacob – Christmas Card Photo Session

This first Christmas session this year really pushed me outside my normal box. I normally shoot adults and young adults but when Jenn, a close friend asked me to take some photos for her Christmas cards I knew it’d be a different type of session than I was used to so I jumped at the…

DIY Sewing Christmas Cards Tutorial

I don’t usually send Christmas cards but this year was a little different.This year I wouldn’t be getting my favorite Christmas card, the reliable one from Gram. That really got me thinking about sending out cards so when I suddenly had the idea to sew fabric to the front of a card I knew I…

Kelly & Brendon Family Photos

December is very strange weather here in New England. Sometimes we have snow on the ground, sometimes you can leave the house without a coat. Best of all the beautiful winter light is just wonderful to take photos if your clients are willing to don their best outerwear! My friend Kelly contacted me in November…